Sunday, May 3, 2009

Losing Weight - The Fat Book Review

Losing Weight - The Fat Book Review

Looking for "real life" insights into how to lose that extra weight and keep it off? The Fat Book not only provides insights, but also includes templates you can use to implement the insights and keep track as you progress towards your goals. A real life person who has real life struggles with weight chronicled what it took for him to lose over 100 pounds! In this book he covers everything from attitude to nutrition to actual workouts.

He spent over $10,000 on gym fees, supplements, and personal trainers. He compiled his experiences to help other people who want to lose weight cut to the chase and have even greater success than he did without having to spend as much money.

This step-by-step guide to workout and weight loss success takes the apprehension out of the equation. With easy to follow exercise and nutrition programs, this book takes away many of the barriers to success! It's like getting a boost of confidence right when you need it most to help you jump start your efforts to hit your health and wellness goals.